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Joint Operations International Conflict v4

Verfasst: 3. April 2007, 11:42
von Tribuns.Tom
Die neue Version des IC steht zum download bereit ... 4877#94877

Hier die Änderungen

-Tiger helicopter: Comes in several versions. One allows the pilot to fire stingers while still having a gunner on a cannon.
-Wiesel: Mobile platform for stingers, TOW missiles, or a 20mm cannon
-DF2 Manor and ware house
-New Bull & R8Bob terrains
-Added 2 missing BHD buildings
-A few more desert/snow/jungle options to some stock vehicles
-Barb wire fence which causes player damage if you come into contact with it
-5 different types of Mortar-Rounds:Fragmentation,Phosphor,Flashbang,
High Explosive,Illumination
-A number of weapon sights updated. Check out RPG in particular

Ps ist zwar nicht mehr so neu aber wers noch ned hat kanns ja downloaden.

Version 4 wird die letzte Version von JO:IC sein, es könnte höchstens noch Bugfixes geben. :cry: